The decree No. 129 CM of february 8th, 2024 and published in the official newspaper of French Polynesia on february 16th, 2024 makes enforceable deliberation No. 1/2024/CA-PAP of january 25th, 2024, emanating from the Board of Directors of the Port Autonome of Papeete and setting the rates applicable to the Marina Taina in Punaauia – Tahiti.
These rates are applicable from march 1st, 2024.
Any vessel in transit or which does not have an annual occupancy agreement with the Harbour Master's Office and whose stay does not exceed one (1) year on the port facilities and equipment of the Marina Taina, is considered to be a "passing vessel".
The port fee is calculated on the overall length of the vessels, including dolphins, balconies, rear deck, davits, outboard motors, etc., rounded up to the nearest foot.
All services provided directly by the manager of the Marina Taina to users on arrival and departure and during their stay are referred to as miscellaneous services.
A monthly fee is granted to vessels and transport trailers that have signed an agreement with the marina manager and intend to stay in the marina for more than one (1) year and subject to place availability.
This agreement is subject to the Temporary Occupation Authorization (TOA) issued by the Marina Harbor Office following the conditions of entry and presence in the marina, governed by the General Code of Property of Public Persons, the Code of Maritime Ports of French Polynesia and the Internal Regulations of the Marina Taina.
This TOA is personal and temporary. It is precarious, revocable and non-transferable. It may not be used as an accessory or as a means of selling a boat.
The TOA is not granted to a unit which occupies a mooring or parking but is granted to natural or legal persons.
When terminating the agreement by standard form, the right to use parking at the Taina marina is not transferable incidentally to the ownership of the boat for the benefit of the new owner.
For all professional activities, a request with a presentation of the activity must be submitted to the Harbour Master's Office for review and approval.