In accordance with article D222.3 of the Maritime Ports Code of French Polynesia, captains, owners of vessels must contact the port captaincy, 24 hours in advance or at the latest upon departure from the previous port, when that -this is located less than 24 hours away, their forecast arrival in the harbor or at the landing buoy of the access channels, indicating:
- The name of the vessel, its tonnage, its length and its width;
- Date and time of arrival; - the maximum draft of the vessel upon arrival at port;
- The nature and tonnage of the various dangerous materials and cargoes transported (in transit or to be unloaded);
- Possible damage to the vessel, its equipment or the cargo.
- Possible emergencies (injury, death, etc.)
A corrective message must be sent in the event of a change.
Those responsible for the marina (Harbour Master, Dock Master etc.) may prohibit access to the marina (at the quayside or on mooring-balls) to all vessels whose entry is likely to compromise safety, conservation of the body of water, the proper using of port facilities and equipment or the guarantee of use of parking already under annual agreement.
Access to the port may be subject to a prior visit by an expert approved by the port director; the expert's costs are the responsibility of the ship.
Occupations of the maritime public domain are governed by article L-2122-1 of the General Code of Property of Public Persons, which provides that: "no one may, without having an authorizing title, occupy an outbuilding in the public domain....".
Consequently, any occupation of a mooring-balls type installation on public maritime property without authorization will result in invoicing for checking and restoration of the entire installation and reporting of the vessel to the competent authorities for non-compliance with maritime rules.

In accordance with article D.222-5 of the Maritime Ports Code of French Polynesia, any captain or owner entering the marina must upon arrival complete a written declaration at the Harbor Master's Office indicating in particular the name of his vessel, that of the captain , that of the owner, the shipowner, the ship's consignee, the cargo consignee, the broker, the tonnage of the vessel, its drafts, its type of navigation, the nature of its loading, the number of passengers, its origin, its destination and the number of men in its crew, a declaration on the safety certificates and on the seaworthiness of the ship, in accordance with the provisions of the declaration model in use in the port.
This declaration must be made to the harbor master's office within 24 hours of the vessel's entry into the marina. Before departures, a declaration must be made to the Harbor Master's Office no later than 48 hours before departure specifying the day and time of departure, the planned stopovers and the final destination.
If the vessel transports, transships, loads or unloads dangerous materials, the captain or owner must provide the Marina Harbor Master's Office with a complete list of these materials which are simply in transit and those which must be loaded or unloaded in the marina.
In addition, when the regulations in force make access to the marina subject to the possession of documents or certificates established in accordance with international regulations in matters of maritime navigation, the captain of the vessel must present the documents or certificates to the port captaincy.
The above formalities do not exclude those prescribed by other administrations and in particular the formalities relating to health police.

Conditions of stay at the marina
Vessels staying at the marina must have valid civil liability insurance covering at least the following risks:
- Damage caused to port structures, whatever its nature, either by the ship or by the user; material and bodily ;
- Damage caused to third parties inside the port and on moorings (including those which may result from the fire of the ship or the spill of hydrocarbons or the discharge of black water onto the body of water, refloating and removal of the wreck in the marina management area, including moorings.
Vessels entering or present at the marina must be seaworthy, i.e. capable of carrying out navigation corresponding to the type, navigation category and nature of the boat, and possess the appropriate certificates.
In the case of doubt about the seaworthiness of the vessel, an survey through a sea trial may be requested by the Harbor Master's Office at the expense of the vessel in accordance with article D.222-5 of the Maritime Ports Code of French Polynesia.
Vessels must be kept in good condition and pleasing to the eye in external appearance.
The name, registration and home port or registration district of the vessel must be visible